Earn cash back from wagers placed through your account! How does it work?
Members will receive one dollar for every dollar wagered on all races eligible for player rewards in determining their player rewards eligibility.
Here is the wagering/percentage chart:
The following wagers are eligible to earn rewards:
1.) WPS: Win, Place, and Show
2.) 2 Horse: Daily Double, Exacta, and Quinella
3.) Exotics: Trifecta, Superfecta, Pick 3, Pick 4, Pick 5, Pick 6, and Grand Slam
After wagering $2,000 participants will be paid out on a monthly basis.
- All individuals legally allowed to wager in New York State (i.e.. individuals who are 18 years of age or older) will be eligible to participate in CDROTBC’s Player Rewards Program. Corporations, partnerships, join ventures and syndicates are not eligible.
- There will be no fee associated with CDROTBC’s Player Rewards Program.
- The Player Reward Program is open to only Capital Bets account holders. A Capital Bets account is a single account which allows wagering through CDROTBC’s Phone-a-Bet wagering system, designated wagering terminals and/or CDROTBC’s Internet Wagering Platform. Phone-a-Bet account holders previously in the Cash Rewards Program do not need to reapply. All reward points accumulated through a CDROTBC Capital Bets accounts are non-transferable and non-assignable.
- Members will receive one dollar for every dollar wagered on all races eligible for Player Rewards in determining their player rewards eligibility. The accumulation of dollars eligible towards Player Rewards will be done on a monthly basis. Program participants will begin to accumulate rewards on applicable wagers placed between the first day of each month and the last day of each month. Rewards will be compiled daily by CDROTBC’s player reward program. Rewards will accumulate automatically by CDROTBC’s totalizator service whenever a player reward program participant places an applicable wager. CDROTBC’s player reward program will be reconciled with CDROTBC’s totalizator service on a daily basis.
Rewards will be automatically determined after a wager is placed by the account holder through their Capital Bets account and the race has been ruled official. Account holders shall have their accounts funded automatically within the first 5 business days of the next month. Once rewards are accumulated for the applicable month, said rewards will not be allowed to be carried over into subsequent months. Each participant will begin each calendar month with zero (0) rewards. .
- To be eligible for rewards, participants must use a CDROTBC Capital Bets account. Such wagering will be the basis for rewards accumulation.
- No rewards may be accumulated on wagers resulting in a $2.10 pari-mutuel payout, based on a $2 wager or any wagers that result in the creation of a minus pool.
- Any such investigation into any type of activity in violation of any rule or regulation governing the Player Rewards System will be investigated by CDROTBC’s Compliance Department. Any and all CDROTBC’s Compliance Department’s investigation will be reviewed by CDROTBC’s Comptrollers’ Office and Legal Department. Should any such investigation determine that a program participant has violated any rule or regulation governing the Player Rewards System, such participant will be terminated from any future participation in CDROTBC’s Player Rewards Program and all attributable reward points will be forfeit. The cash balance of the participant’s Capital Bets account will be refunded and such account closed.
- For cause, CDROTBC reserves the right to exclude anyone from participating in CDROTBC’s Player Rewards Program.
- CDROTBC reserves the right to interpret and make all determinations as to the rules of the Player Rewards Program. All decisions and rulings made by CDROTBC Management are deemed final, are binding on all involved and may not be challenged or appealed
- Funds left in dormant Capital Bets accounts will be distributed as per applicable New York State law.
- All participants in the Player Rewards Program are subject to all applicable state and federal tax laws, rules, regulations and requirements.
- For information on CDROTBC’s Refer a Friend Program please contact CDROTBC Customer Service at (518) -344-5209.