To wager, you will first select the track you wish to wager on. Tracks will be listed by those you have selected as your favorites (by clicking the star and turning it blue), then featured, followed by the entire list of tracks. A Moneybag next to the track name means there is a carryover. Click your track.
After you select your track, the next available race to wager on will appear on the screen. You can change the race number by either clicking the number forward or back, or clicking on the current race number and selecting a race from the drop down. You can choose Classic, Basic, or Advanced depending upon the amount of information you want to see.
To wager, you must click three things. First is your wager type. It defaults to win. If you want a different wager, click on "win", then select your wager from the drop down menu. Next, select the dollar amount of your wager. It defaults to $1, and you can change it by clicking on the $1, then selecting another amount from the list. The last thing you will need is the horse (s) you wish to wager on. Click the circle next to the name or names of the horses. If you cannot see the entire field, you can use the scroll bar on the right to scroll down.
Once you select your wager, you will see on the right where you can "submit bet" to place your wager. Above that button is the wager you are placing. We recommend that you check and make sure that is the wager you want before clicking "submit bet". You will receive a message saying your wager was submitted.
If you ever have any questions if a wager was submitted or not, you can check this by clicking on "Bets" at the top, to the left of "Balance".
If this wager is a wager you wish to cancel, click on the three dots in the bottom right corner next to the amount . This will open up a screen where you will click on the trash can to cancel the wager.
You will then receive a message asking you to confirm this is the wager you wish to cancel. Select the desired response.