Tech Support
- How to Whitelist a site
- How do I update my internet browser?
- How to turn off an ad blocker
- Are any specific browsers or software required?
- Microsoft Teams
- How do I open comma delimited files in Excel ?
- How do I turn off a Pop Up Blocker?
- How do I set the default PDF reader? What if I clicked something I am not sure of and the program I chose is not a PDF reader?
- How do I install or update Adobe Reader?
- How can I make the print seem bigger or smaller on the page?
- How do I remove third party add-ons from my browser?
- How do I clear cookies and temporary internet files from my browser?
- How can I get the site to save/remove my password ?
- Why can't I access my account (login, account balance, wagering, etc.) at certain times?
- Video Troubleshooting FAQ
- How can I turn on or off my Location Services?
- Mobile Site Video Troubleshooting